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Build your karma

Karma points are a measure of your positive contributions to yourself and others. Accumulating more karma improves your visibility to employers, giving you a competitive edge over other job seekers.

We believe that doing good always pays off. That's why we use karma points to promote profiles when they connect with employers and express interest in work. Our algorithms automatically prioritize profiles with higher karma, providing them with a boost in visibility.

You can earn karma points through various actions:

  • Connecting with companies earns +2 points, and unconnecting deducts -2 points.
  • Invite companies to join and earn +10 points
  • Invite career seekers and teammates to join and earn +10 points
  • Update your profile to earn +1 for data added and -1 for data removed
  • Update open career pages to earn +1 for data added and -1 for data removed. Open career pages are pages that where added by a user and are not yet claimed by a company.
  • Subscribe to Premium - earn +30 points per month